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Start Before You're Ready

Writer's picture: Samantha RosenfeldSamantha Rosenfeld

Updated: Aug 31, 2020

"Start before you're ready," a woman announced at a Monday night Pink Mentor event. It hit me like a ton of bricks. How could anyone do such a thing? Without being 100% safe and prepared and ultimately ready, you just jump into things?! It was preposterous.

Two nights later I was far too defeated by life to make dinner so I did the next best thing: Chinese take-out. The food was fine, nothing special, and it was eaten on the couch while watching something mindless, so who was I to complain? I dove into the fortune cookie, only half interested in the scrap of paper that fell out. "You will be leaving your present job soon." My heart dropped. I didn't ask for a sign. I didn't even want a sign. I was too busy for signs! Still, I kept that little bit of paper, hung under a mismatched magnet on the refrigerator door.

In the coming days and weeks after that, everything began to align in front of my very eyes. New clients approached me for my side hustle business and other opportunities that I was clinging to fell away. I jokingly remarked to my fiancé that I was going to branch out on my own and instead of laughing he applauded the idea. I was shocked and yet pleasantly surprised when I received that same response time and time again from friends and family. It was as if no one would be the voice of "reason" I so desperately hoped to hear.

But it made me think, What if? If every person that I trusted and admired told me I could do it, who was I to say they were wrong?

So here we are. One week away from the biggest career jump I have taken to date. And I am nervous but marvelously excited to announce that I have launched my freelance writing & brand consulting business at this time.

I will be initially offering content creation and editing services, as well as brand & marketing consultations for small and independent businesses. Every project will be specifically customized to the needs of a client, all of which will be executed in unique ways with quantifiable results. I'm also going to continue pitching to publications and media! It's about as close to my dream of becoming a journalist as I can get in this day and age.

I want to thank all of my friends and family who have been nothing but supportive of this idea, encouraging me for some time to make this a reality. I want to especially thank Stacy Cassio for providing not only a network but also the courage to do something like this. Without the Pink Mentor Network, I would've never met some of the women who have helped me to visualize and actualize this dream!

And, of course, I want to thank my wonderful fiancé, Kyle Christian. Without your love and support, I would never have been able to take this leap. I won't forget any of this.

So, without further we go?

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